
This week-end of the 1st of May, I moved into our new house here in Stellenbosch; and I am glad, I may call it home right away. It is such a lovely, well-thought out, personal and cared-for space:

_MG_1347_48_49_50_51_Vibrant_smallAs I couldn’t wait for Elke and Jonathan to see, I immediately took pictures after picture to create HDRs out of them to show. And You know, the sun is shining so brilliantly across the horzion, that I couldn’t really stop ,-)
I was so grateful to my landlords, I sent them pictures of their home and shared with them the joy of HDR with Photomatix ,-)

What a difference to the previous apartement, which had it’s virtues (like walking-distance to work, shopping and dining, whatever) but all that does not bear comparison to a sunny home:_MG_1399_400_401_402_403_Painterly5_small

_MG_1423_smallPS: You know, at home we have this space for post-cards and memorabilia, it was fun to recognize one of those saying that are just true… And that we nevertheless need to be reminded of every once in a while 🙂

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3 Antworten zu Home

  1. Wolfram sagt:

    Hallo Rainer, danke fĂŒr Deinen Blog, das ist eine schöne Möglichkeit fĂŒr uns an Deinem Leben in SĂŒdafrika teilzuhaben und so wie es aussieht hast Du es gut erwischt 😉

    FĂŒr einen Mandanten, der gerne anonym bleiben möchte, soll ich aber in Erfahrung bringen welche landwirtschaftlichen GerĂ€te, vorwiegend Traktoren, sich denn in der NĂ€he befinden. Hier wĂ€re interessant zu wissen, welche Fabrikate in welchen Farben sich in Laufweite befinden.

    Lass’ es Dir weiterhin gut gehen, viele GrĂŒĂŸe,

    • Hahaha, hallo ihr Zwei ,-)
      Jaa, diesem Mandanten darfst Du ausrichten, daß landwirtschaftliche BedarfsgerĂ€te in Blau daherkommen (also New Holland — vielleicht auch Ford ,-))) Den Nachbarhof mit Streichelzoo muss ich aber erst noch erkunden, was es da fĂŒr Material gibt!

      Viele GrĂŒĂŸe,

  2. Rainer sagt:

    Dear all,
    just learned from my lovely hosts, that this beautiful home is available on AirBNB:
    This is a beautifully situated house in quiet Welgevonden Estate, and perfectly situated to visit Stellenbosch and surrounding Wine estates and of course the coast including Cape Town.
    The hosts are a very nice family and are very kind and helpful. As You may read in this blog, they invited me to school activities and took me up in their family.
    And not to forget: the Braai was delicious 🙂

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