Blowing with the wind

As written before, it should rain! Badly. Two weeks ago, water-levels were rising again. But as it seems the unusually warm & sunny weather again prevails.

The wind blows from North-East, aka from the continent, blowing over the mountain-range around Stellenbosch. This leads to some amazing pictures again: The wind blows up the range, water vaporizes into clouds and the strong gale pushes the clouds atop where the water quickly evaporates. Magic!20160712_083840The foreground shows the roof of Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, the mountain to the right is Stellenbosch Mountain (see entry here), straight ahead is Joenkershoek valley (see entry here), while towards the sun is the mountain pass towards Franschhoek (wineries Tokara and Delaire Graff).

The day before yesterday, while driving back from Paarl, we were looking into this beautiful sunset,  from the R44 seeing Table Mountain 40kms away as clear and close! That’s how dry and strong this wind is.distance_to_table_mountain


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