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- Compiling GCC-SVN on MacOS 10.15 | Blog of Jonathan, Elke und Rainer bei Compiling GCC-SVN on MacOS 10.14.5
- Compiling GCC-SVN on MacOS 10.14.5 | Blog of Jonathan, Elke und Rainer bei Apple Mail cannot retrieve Emails after MacOS upgrade.
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- Hiking Simonsberg | Blog of Jonathan, Elke und Rainer bei The Neigbourgoods Market, Old Biscuit Mill, Woodstock CT
- Blowing with the wind | Blog of Jonathan, Elke und Rainer bei Hike onto Stellenbosch Mountain
Archiv des Autors: Rainer Keller
Systemd — and how to a adapt for read-only NFS for Raspberry PIs Thinclients
Systemd is a powerful init-system for Unix; most of the Distros have moved away from sysv-based (System V, init calls scripts based on /etc/inittab and /etc/rc*.d). Notable forks of “traditional” (back-wards oriented?) distributions are Devuan (Debian without Systemd), funtoo (forked … Weiterlesen
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Compiling GCC-SVN on MacOS 10.15
It could be so easy, but with every MacOS release several things change and some break — again so with MacOS Catalina (aka MacOS 10.15). For GCC compilation, the directory /usr/include finally is gone for good (no .pkg-file to install … Weiterlesen
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Compiling GCC-SVN on MacOS 10.14.5
Again SIP has brought along some user-visible changes (see previous issue with Apple Mail). With the update of XCode 10 the directory /usr/include is not available anymore — not even after installing XCode and xcode-select –install. Without /usr/include, one cannot … Weiterlesen
Apple Mail cannot retrieve Emails after MacOS upgrade.
Since MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan), Apple’s Operating System features System Integration Protection or short SIP, which protects certain directories from write-accesses. This protection gets more thorough by the versions. This led to a bunch of mishaps when upgrading my laptop. … Weiterlesen
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Compile GCC-8.1 for Raspberry PI 3
The British company Arm Holdings licences the ARM Central Processing Unit (CPU) design to manufacturers such as Samsung, Apple and Broadcom for their own chip-design, which may include further functionalities into the design. Since March 2018 the Raspberry PI 3B+ … Weiterlesen
Night sky
The night over the Caroo shows an amazing display of stars! One clearly sees the milky-way.
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Sevilla Rock Art Trail
The Khoi-Khoi, or sometimes Khoen-Khoen, are as combination as in Khoi-San are the indigeneous people inhabitating Sub-Saharan Africa for thousands of years. They lived as separate ethnic groups in pastoral (Khoikhoi) and hunter-gatherer live-style. With the arrival of various Bantu-ethnic … Weiterlesen
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Sand dunes at De Hoop Nature Reserve
The De Hoop Nature Reserve consist of two parts, one is the land which hosts Zebras, several types of Boks (Springbok and the rare Buntebok) and Ostriches, the other part is the adjoining Marine reserve. Driving the dust road towards … Weiterlesen
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Whale Watching
Today, we all went for a whale watching trip on a large boat in Hermanus. What an experience on a wonderfully sunny winter morning! The previous days, whales had been spotted at the east coast of Whalers Bay, but of … Weiterlesen
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Hiking Simonsberg
With my colleague and his girlfriend, we today hiked the highest mountain in the vircinity of Stellenbosch: it was the perfect hike for a Sunday. Starting with crispy clear air and bright sun at Tokara Deli, we hiked for about … Weiterlesen
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Blowing with the wind
As written before, it should rain! Badly. Two weeks ago, water-levels were rising again. But as it seems the unusually warm & sunny weather again prevails. The wind blows from North-East, aka from the continent, blowing over the mountain-range around … Weiterlesen
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OpenFOAM static compilation
OpenFOAM is quite a beast to compile — first of all with regard to size, but also when You go out of the normal. Actually on standard Linux like Ubuntu with a few packages pre-installed (like the system’s Open MPI, … Weiterlesen
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Debian DPL
Large crowd for Mehdi Dogguy’s talk on the state of Debian Project Leaders. He says, he’s the first African-born member of the DPL — and unfortunately the only one who volunteered in 2015. Debian is now down to only 10 … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter DebConf16, Tec
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Taxi, Uber, Taxify
Let me share my experience on getting around. My trip from the Airport in Cape Town to Stellenbosch I used standard Taxi first-and-foremost, because they were around and because I was approached by a nice gentleman who organized the Taxi-stand. … Weiterlesen
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Booting ARM
Just listened to a great talk by one of the Debian grandes Martin Michlmayr on Booting on ARM. Amazing what kind of work needed to be done to support the many armel devices. He also presented the bunch of work … Weiterlesen
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DebConf2016 in Cape Town
Today DebConf started in Cape Town and already listened to a very good talk of JD Bothan on “FLOSSing for healthier society“, a geeky title for a serious and gravely needed technologies to educate the masses about important data. His … Weiterlesen
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Youth Day
Today South Africa celebrates Youth Day to commemorate high school student’s uprising against the Bantu Education Act leading to the Soweto Uprising 40 years ago. The Cape Times Newspaper had good articles about the current state of affairs and those … Weiterlesen
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You know, we’ve been waiting for the show-down of the Peacocks. Today, finally, two of the males were presenting their costumes 🙂 However, the cat was not impressed.
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Weather Now!
Internet is such a beautiful thing. But it (thankfully) cannot change the weather 🙂 Some two weeks ago, before Elke came, it got cold, but didn’t rain… Then when they arrived, it got hot — actually very hot — again. … Weiterlesen
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Comrades Marathon
Having really sore muscles from climbing Table Mountain. Esp. when descending the stairs. Now I just learned that a colleague of mine in the Dept. of Mechanics ran the Comrades Marathon this very week-end, which is 89,13km! He even did … Weiterlesen
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