Stellenbosch Library

For virtually every building, every floor and every room, one has to have one’s SUN-card (Stellenbosch University), which has the credentials and details of the owner on it (plus a photo).
Thanks to Pieter who was of great help finding the “Student Help Center” — it’s then available within 5 minutes. However to get into the Student Help Center, one has to have such an access card — and on it the correct permissions… So, well we waited for someone to let us in 🙂

What’s noteworthy about this access card, though, is that access to Stellenbosch Library has separate credentials, as does the “Carnegie Research Commons“, which is for PostGrad students, only.

Bird-of-Paradise Flowers

Bird-of-Paradise Flowers

This room is equipped with nice work-desks, PCs at work-desks, separate meeting-rooms, video-conferencing rooms, round-tables for discussions, sofa’s and chaise-longues to get comfortable at the window with a water and a coffee-bar.
Outside, they planted a row of bird-of-paradise flowers.

In the summer, it helps being two floors underground.

PS: The headline picture above shows the campus’ oldest Buildings “Ou Hoofgebou” built in 1866 in the morning sunlight on my way to work.

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1 Antwort zu Stellenbosch Library

  1. Peter sagt:

    In der ganzen Stadt stehen Strelizien am Wegesrand

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