

Stellenbosch University Logo


Sidewalk along Victoria Street in the Afternoon.

Walking to my work-place in the morning leads me along these beautiful alleys shaded large oak trees. Stellenbosch is known for these Oak tree alleys — and Stellenbosch University has the oak leave in its Logo.

The University’s Biology department also manages the Botanical Garden, which houses an impressive set of Bonsai trees, which started in the 1960s. Since then, they have created the first African bonsai styles, like a miniature version of the Baobab tree and of flat-crown trees.

Now, not being an expert on trees, I believe the tree in parking lots of the “Admin A” building are flat-crown trees as well:

20160414_165000_Richtone(HDR)_smallWhile just across from this one, there’s another tree:20160414_164913_small

20160404_140501_smallThe funniest of the tries however is this species, which seems to always hang in there in various directions — but never straight to the sky 🙂 Seen it two times in Stellenbosch (one close to the Dept. of Eng., one next to the Sports fields of the University). In the background is again Stellenbosch mountain, back then covered in clouds.

PS: This articles head-line picture shows a stitch off of the bridge over Merriman Avenue — sided also by lots of palm and oak trees.

PPS: Update, this morning, we again have the Autumn fog rising — providing a magnificient view from office: the trees evaporating into the fog one by one in the distance:

Morning fog rising.

Morning fog rising.

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