
This saturday morning at 8am my landlords invited me to join a concert of the primary school, or so I thought. What I didn’t expect was a competition of choirs — and mind You, a nation-wide competition that the choir of my landlords daughter had won last year!
So, this was this years run-up to the national competition, and there were 4 choirs of the West-Cape region, from Stellenbosch, Somerset, Paarl and some city close to Cape-Town.

Stellenbosch Laerskool on stage

Stellenbosch Laerskool on stage

At the end, the head of Jury walked onto the stage and presented (in Afrikaans) his critique in quite some detail, like how certain words are supposed to be pronounced, and on general professionalism when presenting, so much I could make out…
In the end it was 2x A+. Well done.

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