

Potjiekos: Carl pours the ingredients

This past Friday, I was invited to join the departments team-building event, a Potjiekos. A great way to learn about South African culture and even better to get to know the team.

In return, they had to try my “Schwäbischen Kartoffelsalat” 🙂 A potato salad using a old family recipe with even older vinegar with lots of oil (a colleague gasped, when I poured another droplet into it, to make it more squishy 🙂  )…

So Potjiekos means small pot food is cooked in a three-legged pot on the fire! We decided on doing a dessert for everyone, a pudding, that is really easy to make as well: three eggs, three cups of sugar(!), stir, then stir, following by some fervent stirring, then add a bit of flour, salt and baking powder, some more sodium bicarb and off into the pot.

After 1:30hrs the pudding has baked thoroughly, and then is taken out of the fire, and might need some moisture: enter the Amarula. The Amarula is a “Likör” and although being quite sweet of course needs more sugar… If You know me, You know, that I do like this recipe!

So, even though the end result with the dough’s sugar turning brown (caramel!) and the Amarula-creme on top, this might not look too attractive to the unsuspecting eye, it does taste really good:

Pudding & Amarula in a pot

Pudding & Amarula in a pot

Now, You have to see what the others were cooking! Amazing feast with Oxtail Potjiekos, two times lamb, and another chicken! Really plenty of food.


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