Addo Elephant Park

The Greater Addo Elephant Park is located in the 180 000 ha of land in the thick bushveld of the Sundays River in the Eastern Cape. The park, the third largest in South Africa, offers a wide range of game viewing and outdoor activities. The park is the only national park in the world to conserve the “Big 7” – the “Big 5” as well as the Southern Right Whale and great White Shark off the Algoa Bay coast.

We can drive in our own car and Jonathan is watching out for wildlife – just stay in the car!



The ‘Circellium bacchu’ or simply called the ‘Addo Elephant Park’s flightless dung beetle’,  is one of the rarest species of dung beetle. He always has the right of way in the park!


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And, of course, we met a lot of the more as 500 Ellies in the Addo Elephant Park.0809_Addo7 0809_Addo8

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