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- Compiling GCC-SVN on MacOS 10.15 | Blog of Jonathan, Elke und Rainer bei Compiling GCC-SVN on MacOS 10.14.5
- Compiling GCC-SVN on MacOS 10.14.5 | Blog of Jonathan, Elke und Rainer bei Apple Mail cannot retrieve Emails after MacOS upgrade.
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- Blowing with the wind | Blog of Jonathan, Elke und Rainer bei Hike onto Stellenbosch Mountain
Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein
Systemd — and how to a adapt for read-only NFS for Raspberry PIs Thinclients
Systemd is a powerful init-system for Unix; most of the Distros have moved away from sysv-based (System V, init calls scripts based on /etc/inittab and /etc/rc*.d). Notable forks of “traditional” (back-wards oriented?) distributions are Devuan (Debian without Systemd), funtoo (forked … Weiterlesen
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Compiling GCC-SVN on MacOS 10.15
It could be so easy, but with every MacOS release several things change and some break — again so with MacOS Catalina (aka MacOS 10.15). For GCC compilation, the directory /usr/include finally is gone for good (no .pkg-file to install … Weiterlesen
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Compiling GCC-SVN on MacOS 10.14.5
Again SIP has brought along some user-visible changes (see previous issue with Apple Mail). With the update of XCode 10 the directory /usr/include is not available anymore — not even after installing XCode and xcode-select –install. Without /usr/include, one cannot … Weiterlesen
Apple Mail cannot retrieve Emails after MacOS upgrade.
Since MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan), Apple’s Operating System features System Integration Protection or short SIP, which protects certain directories from write-accesses. This protection gets more thorough by the versions. This led to a bunch of mishaps when upgrading my laptop. … Weiterlesen
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Compile GCC-8.1 for Raspberry PI 3
The British company Arm Holdings licences the ARM Central Processing Unit (CPU) design to manufacturers such as Samsung, Apple and Broadcom for their own chip-design, which may include further functionalities into the design. Since March 2018 the Raspberry PI 3B+ … Weiterlesen
Night sky
The night over the Caroo shows an amazing display of stars! One clearly sees the milky-way.
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SNOW – Finally!
On the way from Citrusdal to Ceres over the Cederberg Mountains we were suddenly caught in the clouds. Looking back on the pass from the valley below we saw the montaintops cowerd in SNOW! We finnaly get a piece of … Weiterlesen
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Sevilla Rock Art Trail
The Khoi-Khoi, or sometimes Khoen-Khoen, are as combination as in Khoi-San are the indigeneous people inhabitating Sub-Saharan Africa for thousands of years. They lived as separate ethnic groups in pastoral (Khoikhoi) and hunter-gatherer live-style. With the arrival of various Bantu-ethnic … Weiterlesen
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Springflowers around the Cederberg Mountains
The ‘Ramskop Wild Flower Garden’ in Clanwilliam and the Biedouw Valley on the way to Wupperthal around the Cederberg Wilderness Area shows also the brightes colours, dressed in Springflowers like Bittergousblom (Arctotis fastuosa), Gousblom (Gazania krebsiana), Rankvygie (Jordaaniella cuprea), Skaabos … Weiterlesen
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Rooibos Tea, Clanwilliam
Rooibos, meaning ‘red bush’ (Aspalathus linearis) belongs to the fynbos family and is indigenous to South Africa. It has adapted well to the harsh conditions of the Cederberg region and is cultivated in a radius of 150 km around Clanwilliam. … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, South Africa, Tastings
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SPRINGFLOWERS – West Coast National Park – and all around!
This week seams to be the Peak of the Spring-Flower-Season along the WestCoast between Saldanha Bay, Langebaan and the WestCoast National Park. The white ‘Namakwa Daisy’ (Dimorphotheca pluvialis) shines brilliant and the mass of flowers can easily be confused with … Weiterlesen
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Cango Ostrich Farm, Oudtshoorn
Ein Straußenei kann bis zu 100 kg Belastung aushalten, das sollte also locker Jonathan UND Rainer tragen! Mal sehen, ob das stimmt… Der Afrikanische Strauß ist der größte lebende Vogel der Welt. Ein Straußenei ergibt so viel Rührei wie ca. … Weiterlesen
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On the road again – Little Karoo
North of the Garden Route behind the Langeberg Mountains and separated from the much more extensive Great Karoo by the Swartberg Mountains to the north is the Klein Karoo, a dry semi-desert area. It is one of the more diverse … Weiterlesen
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Addo Elephant Park
The Greater Addo Elephant Park is located in the 180 000 ha of land in the thick bushveld of the Sundays River in the Eastern Cape. The park, the third largest in South Africa, offers a wide range of game … Weiterlesen
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Knysna is a pretty little harbour town in the heart of the Garden Route with a waterfront full of restaurants, arts and craft shops. Famos is Knysna for the Oysters and the very popular annual Knysna Oysters Festival in July. … Weiterlesen
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Knysna Elephant Park
Der private Knysna Elephant Park wurde 1994 mit der Rettung von zwei Elefanten aus dem Krügerpark gegründet. Zwischenzeitlich wurden hier über 40 Elefanten aufgenommen, aufgepäppelt und wieder ‘ausgewildert’. Die derzeitige Herde besteht aus neun Elefanten, wobei zwei davon bald in … Weiterlesen
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Tsitsikamma National Park, Storms River Mouth
Im Tsitsikamma Nationalpark, seit 2009 Teil des Garden Route Nationalpark, findet man einen der letzten Urwälder des Landes, einen Küstenregenwald mit bis zu 800 Jahre alten Yellowwood-Bäumen. Eine der zahlreichen Attraktionen ist die Suspension-Bridge. Die Hängebrücke über den Storms River … Weiterlesen
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Wildebraam Berry Estate, Swellendam
Auf dem Weg von De Hoop zur Garden Route lohnt ein Stop in Swellendam im Wildebraam Berry Estate. Das Familienunternehmen, dass auf seinem Gelände auch Cottages vermietet, produziert so ziemlich alles, das sich aus Beeren herstellen lässt. Ein kleiner Blick … Weiterlesen
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Whale Watching
Today, we all went for a whale watching trip on a large boat in Hermanus. What an experience on a wonderfully sunny winter morning! The previous days, whales had been spotted at the east coast of Whalers Bay, but of … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Animals, South Africa
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Never say GOODBYE, it’s allways SEE YOU AGAIN!
Heute heißt es leider, leider erst mal Abschied nehmen von unseren neuen Freunden und Familien, von Stellenbosch und von ‘unserem’ Zuhause in Welgevonden Estate. Wir sehen uns alle Ende August wieder!
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